Focus and Scope

Clinical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal (CliPs) utilizes contributions from academics and practitioner-researchers on Clinical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. CliPs publishes original research work on all aspects of Clinical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The journal encourages rigorous, substantial, and original research on any topic related to health and pharmaceutical sciences, within or across disciplines. Clinical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal accepts scientific papers in the form of research reports (original article research papers), systematic review, and meta analysis with focus and scope : pharmaceutical technology, pharmacology and toxicology, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical biology, clinical and community of pharmacy,   pharmacoeconomy, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmaceutical care, management of pharmacy, biopharmaceutics, pharmaceutical microbiology and biotechnology, pharmacokinetics, alternative medicines, cosmetic technology, health policy, medicine (miscellaneous), public health, environmental and occupational health, and nursing.

This journal provides an innovative platform for researchers, students, practitioners, and educators to learn and contribute to this field. All articles must undergo initial Editorial screening and then undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process before publication.