Effectivity of Methane Capture in Crude Palm Oil Production at Mill J, PT XYZ, Sumatera Island: A Life-cycle Assessment


  • Muhammad Miftahur Rahman Gifu University
  • Muhammad Rizky Zen Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Agus Adi Putra Chalmers University of Technology
  • Chairunnisa Noviarini Ailesh
  • Fano Alfian Ardyansyah Ailesh
  • Uswatun Mujahidah Ailesh
  • Michelle Maria Magdalena Ailesh




Methane Capture, Life Cycle Assessment, Sensitivity Analysis, Biogas, Crude Palm Oil


Indonesia’s crude palm oil sector has become the most significant agricultural sector. However, if the business does not sufficiently regulate its emissions and discharge, the rise of the CPO industry may also have detrimental effects on the environment. Life-cycle assessment, or LCA, is one technique for assessing the environmental impact of CPO-producing processes. Using openLCA v.2, this study evaluates the possible ecological effects of Sumatera Island’s Mill J, PT XYZ, CPO manufacturing system. According to this analysis, in 2022, the mill and plantation processes contributed to environmental impacts. The impact assessment's results, including the potential for global warming, is 8.74E-01 kg CO2eq/kg CPO, ozone layer depletion is 6.32E-08 kg CFC-11 eq/kg CPO, and acidification is 2.5E-03 kg. A methane capture scenario was analyzed, increasing the efficiency from 84% to 86% and 88%. The results showed that all impacts decreased with increased methane capture efficiency, reducing the global warming potential by 1.4% to 3.5%. These findings confirm the potential feasibility of increased methane capture efficiency in the palm oil industry to achieve sustainable improvement and targets.


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