Market and Industrialization Opportunities of Rumah Unggul Sistem Panel Instan (RUSPIN) Technology Using Business Model Canvas
Business Model Canvas, Business Plan, TechnologyAbstract
Rumah Unggul Sistem Panel Instan (RUSPIN) technology is the development of Rumah Instan Sederhana Sehat (RISHA) with several improvements. Besides resistance to earthquakes, this technology has advantages such as ease and speed of installation compared to conventional houses. As a new technological innovation that has been proven, to develop RUSPIN technology to be an industrialization model in the future, therefore a study of technology business plan is required. Research objectives eager to see the market and industrialization opportunities of RUSPIN technology. The study using Business Model Canvas (BMC) concept which strived to combine 9 business aspects such as customer segments, value proposition, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners, and cost structure into one complete concept map. As the result of this study, the market opportunity for RUSPIN technology is very large with the market segmentation is families that do not own a home and the target market for Low-Income Families (MBR). RUSPIN technology also has an opportunity to be industrialized by looking at the demand side (market opportunities), while from the supply side, efforts are needed to increase the number of certified RUSPIN applicators and developers.
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